Connect: Small Groups



Each Sunday our worship service ends with a charge:

“Go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

During the week, we gather together and seek to put into practice what we experienced in our sanctuary.


House Communities

House Communities meet throughout the KC metroplex. We have gatherings in strategic regions of our city, from north of the river to south of our main campus.

In House Communities, relationships are formed, prayer is offered and received, the Scriptures are read and discussed, and God is worshiped.

These gatherings are our basic relational building blocks. We strive to see every member and newcomer in a House Community.

> Connect about House Communities

Word & Table Groups

If you’re new to St. Aidan’s and the Anglican Way, we encourage you to join a Word and Table Group. These groups are offered on an as-needed basis for newcomers. They are designed to orient newcomers to our liturgical tradition and deepen one's worship and relational life. They are one way to get oriented to living inside the Great Tradition of the Church.

> Connect about Word & Table Groups


Morning Prayer

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