Michael serves the congregation as the rector (the lead pastor). He’s responsible for leadership development, vision, pastoral care, and liturgical life. He’s married to Liz, who serves alongside him. They have two grown children, Julia and Ian, both of whom are married with children. They celebrate six grandchildren.
He completed a B.A. in Theology and a Master's in Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He began ministry at St. Andrew’s by the Sea in Destin, Florida (now Immanuel Anglican Church), and spent 16 years pastoring Vineyard Christian Fellowship churches in the San Francisco Bay Area. During this time, Michael also led worship and recorded for Vineyard Music. After leaving the Vineyard, Michael and Liz planted Connect, a network of house churches around the SF Bay Area. Connect now, Connect Africa, resides in Uganda, Kenya, and the Congo, establishing sustainable technologies and clean water solutions for East African villages.
In 2004, they moved to Kansas City for an extended sabbatical. During this time, Michael reclaimed his initial calling to the Anglican priesthood. 2012, St. Aidan’s was planted in their home with a team of twelve. He loves music, walking in nature with Liz and Zoe, their Border Collie, reading, and writing songs.
> Michael@staidanskc.org